are dummy cakes cheaper than real cakes?

White fondant 4 tier cake with sugar flowers and sugar decorations

Dummy wedding cakes, also known as fake tiers or dummy tiers are a popular option for couples looking for an extravagant cake. Dummy cakes are made from polystyrene and decorated to match the design of the real cake. So are dummy wedding cakes cheaper? This article will discuss whether dummy cakes really are the cheaper option.


Dummy wedding cakes, also known as fake tiers or dummy tiers are a popular option for couples looking for an extravagant cake. Dummy cakes are made from polystyrene and decorated to match the design of the real cake. So are dummy wedding cakes cheaper? This article will discuss whether dummy cakes really are the cheaper option.

Cake designers use dummy cakes to display their work without running the risk of perishable ingredients turning bad. In addition, they are very useful for testing out new designs, techniques and entering cake decorating competitions.

One of the main advantages of using dummy cakes for weddings, is that it minimises waste. Dummy tiers can add height to your cake, and give it a more grand appearance. You can keep the number of servings you need from the real tiers and still have your cake stand tall.

The ‘geode’ style cake that was popular for some time, involved carving out chunks of cake to achieve the look. In a tiered cake, this can compromise its structure and stability if made from real cake. However, a sturdy dummy tier can open up so many design possibilities without affecting the cakes stability. Dummy tiers thus prove to be a much more effective way of achieving the design you want.

The decision to include dummy tiers in your cake design should never really be about reducing costs. There is a common misconception that having a dummy cake or some dummy tiers are cheaper than real cake. Unfortunately, that is not entirely true. There are very little savings and sometimes none at all when you choose dummy tiers over real cake tiers. Why? Your dummy tier is decorated to match the design of the real cake, therefore the same decorating costs are incurred.

The cost of ingredients will not apply to a dummy tier, however, dummy tiers themselves are not as cheap as you might think. The amount of time, effort and skill required to decorate and stack a cake with dummy tiers is the same as a real cake.

Contrary to popular belief, dummy cakes do not drastically reduce your cake order. Yes, you will save money by having a taller cake, without increasing the number of servings. Often, where you have saved in cake servings, you will spend in the decoration. 

If you would like to discuss a design or explore ways to make your cake more grand, you can contact me here.


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